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by Wyman Richardson

Scripture: Acts 14:1-18
This content is part of a series.

The Tough-Minded, Focused Church (32 of 56)
Series: The Church in ACTSion
Wyman Richardson
Acts 14:1-18

Read Acts 14:1-18

I would like to tell you a story of two different preachers. The first is a modern preacher who is preaching this very morning at his very large church in another state. Over the last year some interesting and unsettling things have come out about this preacher and his efforts to foster a sense of devotion to him among the members of his church.

For instance, images of pages from a coloring book that the children of the church color in their Sunday School classes have recently come to light. This coloring book was produced by the church. One page has a picture of the pastor preaching before a group of people. The children are to color in the pastor and the people watching him. Above the picture is the word ''Unity.'' The words below the header and on the bottom of the page are disconcerting. It says, ''We are united under the visionary.'' Under this it quotes Romans 13:1: ''Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities.'' (I will point out that while there are other passages that speak of a kind of authority for pastors, Romans 13:1 is normally interpreted as referring to the state authorities.) On the bottom of the page are these words: ''_______ Church is built on the vision God gave Pastor _______. We will protect our unity in supporting his vision.'' Another page has a picture of this pastor standing beside another well-known pastor. In addition to informing the children that their pastor spent some time with this other famous pastor, this page asks them to think about how they can honor those who are above them.

In addition to this, an image of a poster that hangs in the offices of this church is entitled, ''Reasons _______ Church is the Best Place to Work.'' Among the numbered reasons on the poster are the following:

1. We serve a Lead Pastor who seeks and hears from God.
3. We serve a Lead Pastor we can tr ...

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