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by Wyman Richardson

Scripture: Acts 16:6-15
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Doors Shut and Open (37 of 56)
Series: The Church in ACTSion
Wyman Richardson
Acts 16:6-15

Read Acts 16:6-15

Acts is a book filled with memorable characters. Of course there are the towering personalities of the Church: restored and emboldened Peter, the courageous martyr Stephen, the inspiring missionary Philip, the radically converted and radically missional Paul, peacemaking Barnabas, tempestuous John Mark, and young Timothy. Then there are the bad guys: the persecuting Sanhedrin, the greedy Simon Magus, the blasphemous (and wormy!) Herod Agrippa. And these are just a few of the colorful characters of this fascinating book.

But there is one character that stands above them all. In fact, He is such a dominant character that some, like John Chrysostom, actually referred to the book of Acts by His name. I am talking about the Holy Spirit. He is on every page of this book. John Chrysostom called the book of Acts, ''The Gospel of the Holy Spirit.'' I love that!

The story of Acts truly is the story of the Holy Spirit. Let me explain. Before Jesus ascended to the Father in Heaven He promised us that He would send the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, to take up residence in His people. And, of course, in Acts 2 we see that happen. Jesus ascends to the right hand of the Father and the Holy Spirit descends upon the Church. That means that the chronicle of Acts is a chronicle of the Holy Spirit's leading of the Church in and throughout the world to further the reach of the Kingdom of God. Thus, this book really is ''The Gospel of the Holy Spirit.''

But even that is not enough to say. It must also be said and noted that what happened to the early Church way back then was intended to be normative for all Christians throughout the ages and all over the world. In other words, the Holy Spirit was likewise promised to you.

When you accept Christ, He gives you His Spirit to take up residence within you. The Holy Spirit then guides and leads and directs and i ...

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