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by Wyman Richardson

Scripture: Acts 17:16-34
This content is part of a series.

A Broken Heart and an Unbroken Conviction (41 of 56)
Series: The Church in ACTSion
Wyman Richardson
Acts 17:16-34

Read Acts 17:16-34

It is amazing how we human beings have the capacity to get used to very serious, very sacred things.

I had a dear friend who was a game warden in Georgia. He passed away a few years ago and I miss him deeply. He was one of the godliest men I had ever known, and he was what I would call a pastor's best friend, if that makes sense.

He told me once about a painful memory of his that still seemed to haunt him a bit. He told me about his years as a game warden and he became accustomed to seeing some terrible things. One instance, however, shocked him out of his own numbness, and it was an instance of his own callousness.

He shared with me that he and the other game wardens and law enforcement officers would work the boating accidents on the lake during the summers. This, tragically, would mean having to work scenes of fatal accidents and drownings. He told me that he personally oversaw the extraction of numerous bodies from the lakes of Georgia. And he told me that, amazingly, he actually became somewhat used to this macabre responsibility.

He shared with me how, on one occasion, there had been an accident on the lake resulting in a couple of people drowning. He said that they had been out in the lake most of the night trying to find and extract the bodies. They had located one of the bodies, pulled it from the lake, put it in a body bag, and placed the body in the back of a truck.

He shared with me that he and his men were tired, filthy, covered in mud and dirt, and were mentally and physically drained. Around lunch they were still working so he called one of his men over and told him to get everybody some hamburgers so they could take a break and eat. He then shared that, after the man returned with lunch, he leaned on the truck bed in the back of which was one of the bodies, unwrapped the hamburger there over t ...

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