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by Wyman Richardson

Scripture: Acts 21:40-50, Acts 22:30
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The Power of a Testimony (49 of 56)
Series: Acts 21:40-22:30
Wyman Richardson
Acts 21:40-22:30

Read Acts 21:40-22:30

On March 2, 2004, the American theologian Avery Cardinal Dulles delivered the McGinley Lecture at Fordham University. It was entitled ''The Rebirth of Apologetics.'' That is a word we need to learn: apologetics. Apologetics refers to the act of defending the Christian faith. A Christian apologist is somebody who gives particular attention to defending the faith and countering arguments against the Christian faith with the truth of the gospel. There are people who have this as their primary ministry, but, in truth, every Christian needs to be an apologist.

Dulles' lecture, ''The Rebirth of Apologetics,'' dealt with the question of how the Christian Church has defended the Christian faith over the last two thousand years and how it should seek to defend the Christian faith today. It was a very interesting lecture filled with very interesting insights. He shared how in earlier periods of Church history different approaches to defending the faith took center stage: some of them philosophical and some of them argumentative and some of them confronting particular heretical ideas or non-Christian religions that seemed to be threatening the Church at particular times or in particular places. In his lecture, after outlining the history of Christian apologetics, Dulles proposed that the future of Christian apologetics, the future of how we will most effectively defend the faith, will be through the sharing of testimonies. That is, we will best defend the faith by telling our stories about our personal relationships with Jesus.

Church, there is something powerful about the story of how you came to Jesus and what difference He has made in your life! Do you remember the great old hymn ''Blessed Assurance''? In 1873, Fanny Crosby wrote this hymn. Notice the words of it.

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!?He ...

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