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by Wyman Richardson

Scripture: Acts 28:17-31
This content is part of a series.

The Curtain Falls (56 of 56)
Series: The Church in ACTSion
Wyman Richardson
Acts 28:17-31

Read Acts 28:17-31

Sometimes the best part of a movie is the final scene. In fact, the final scene of a film can make or break it, and, in the best films, the final scene usually makes it. For instance, let me show you some shots of a few final scenes. See if you recognize these and why they were memorable final scenes.

This is the final scene from ''Raiders of the Lost Ark.'' Do you remember? After all of Indiana Jones' amazing adventures to find the ark of the covenant and after all of his brushes with death, the ark is crated up and stored in a massive warehouse. As the camera pans back and reveals just how many crates are there, you realize that the ark of the covenant is now lost again, this time in a cavernous warehouse to be forgotten forever. I would say that this final scenes communicates a kind of irony.

Or what about this scene? Do you remember? This is from the 1978 film, ''Invasion of the Body Snatchers.'' I remember seeing this as a kid. In the final scene, Nancy walks up to Matthew, assuming that they are the only two people who have yet to be turned into pod people by the aliens. However, when Matthew sees her he points at her and screams an unearthly, horrible scream, revealing that he has already been turned. Ugh!!! When I first saw this as a kid, it jarred me for days!

Or here is the opposite kind of final scene: a shot from the final scene of ''The Shawshank Redemption.'' Here, Red walks towards Andy on the shore of Mexico. This is a powerful scene because it shows a beautiful and peaceful contrast to the dark horrors of grey, foreboding Shawshank Prison. Red and Andy are finally free and a new life can now begin for them both.

Sometimes the final scenes of movies are enigmatic and perhaps perplexing. Here is a shot of the final scene from ''No Country From Old Men.'' Here, Sheriff Bell is telling his wife about the dream he had the n ...

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