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by Lenny Ports

Scripture: John 15:13
This content is part of a series.

New Covenant, New Freedom (3 of 8)
Series: It's Better This Way
Lenny Ports
John 15:13

Jesus said in John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.

And the Apostle Paul put it this way: Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

The word ''demonstrates'' comes from the Greek word ''sunistao'' which means to exhibit, to show, to prove. So God proved His love for us by dying for us on the cross even when we were so far from Him, even when we were enemies of Him, even when we were so rebellious against Him and wanted nothing to do with Him, He still proved His love for us by dying on the cross. He would take a risk of going all the way to the cross for the possibility of us coming to Him. WHAT LOVE, WHAT PROOF, WHAT AN OPEN DISPLAY OF RECKLESS LOVE FOR YOU AND FOR ME! No ulterior motive, no airs about Him or what He could get from the relationship, JUST PURE UNADULTERATED LOVE!

That kind of love is what brings freedom. In the same way that those that fought for our country and lost their lives doing so, so Jesus gave up His own life so that we could be free and stay free.

Think about it for a moment. Those that know how much they are loved walk in a freedom and a confidence that no one can take from them. Jesus wants us to walk in such a freedom. He wants us to KNOW deep down in our hearts how much we are loved. The freedom that comes from God's love for you is more than a mental understanding, it is deep in the heart. It is the kind of freedom that people can see. This freedom comes when we know that we are loved without conditions and without measure.

The first question that most people would ask is this? DOES JESUS REALLY LOVE ME THAT MUCH? Doesn't He get mad at me when I mess up? Doesn't He turn His back on me when I turn my back on Him?

The problem is that most people see God through the filter of their own experience. If ...

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