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by Lenny Ports

Scripture: Joshua 1:1-9
This content is part of a series.

Coming into Your Promise (4 of 8)
Series: It's Better This Way
Lenny Ports
Joshua 1:1-9

When we contrast the Old and New Covenants that God made with His people, it is important for us to understand that everything that happened up until the time that the Messiah Jesus came to us 2,000 years ago pointed to that very fact. Jesus would come to fulfill all that was written in the Old Covenant. Every prophecy, every word, and even every jot and tittle (marks in the Hebrew language) will be fulfilled in Jesus. We know that there are parts that have not yet been filled, like the end-time prophecies in Daniel and Ezekiel, that will be fulfilled in Christ at His second coming.

For those that awaited the Messiah, the only 2 things required were believing and waiting. Faith and Patience. The faith part is bearable. If God said it, I choose to believe it, and that settles it. The Patience part is the hard part. I can believe and I can put my faith in God's word, but my problem is WAITING on the fulfillment of the promise, the prayer answered, the problem solved, the battle won, or the way of escape provided!

God knew before the foundation of the world that men and women would fall, so He provided a remedy even before sin entered into the picture. All throughout Scripture we see time and time again God providing a way of escape before there was a trap or God providing a strategy for victory even before the battle began.

These remedies, escapes and victories were merely manifestations of God's promises to His people. When God makes a promise, He will be faithful to bring it to pass. When we are faced with what may seem like insurmountable obstacles, or we may be simply facing a dilemma that we need to make a decision on, but when we seek Him, and look to His word, and WAIT on Him, and OBEY Him, God's hand WILL deliver us. God will be faithful to bring us through each and every time. HE IS FAITHFUL!

For Example, God told Joshua that he would bring God's pe ...

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