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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Romans 10:1-21
This content is part of a series.

Unfailing Gospel - Unfailing God Part 2 (17 of 23)
Series: The Book of Romans
Josh Malone
Romans 10:1-21

ILLUS. - Failure - Have you ever failed at something? A class, a job, a responsibility? - We've all failed in some way. Do you think God fails? If God fails then we are in trouble! The good news of the Bible is that our God does not fail. - We fail, but God never does. - In fact, we see this in Romans 9-11 with Israel. They failed to believe, but God did not fail them.

In Romans 9-11 the Apostle Paul is dealing with the issue of the Israelites unbelief. How is that those who were given the law, the prophets, etc.... how is it that so many of them rejected Jesus as Messiah? - Has God's promise to them failed? Has God failed? - Paul showed us last week NO. - He showed us last week that salvation has never been about genetics. He showed us that God is sovereign over salvation. Salvation of the Lord.

At the same time last week we saw that we are responsible for our lives, our decisions, and what we do with the gospel. - This week Paul is going to focus more on the response. We can see in Romans 10 that the gospel is unfailing. People are saved and can only be saved by faith in the gospel, and it is us who are responsible with what we do with the gospel. A lack of salvation is never due to God's failure, or the gospel's failure... it's man's failure that has created our problem, and our own failure to believe that leaves us in our sin.

Today, I want to walk through Romans 10 and see how the gospel does not fail... but we can. There are two dangers this morning... Don't fail to BELIEVE, and believer don't fail to PROCLAIM.

Rom. 10:1-21- 1Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved. 2 For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. 3 For, being ignorant of the righteousness of God, and seeking to establish their own, they did not submit to God's righteousness. 4 For C ...

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