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by Christopher Harbin

Scripture: 2 Kings 18:28-37
This content is part of a series.

Against All Odds (33 of 52)
Series: Discipleship Part Three
Christopher B. Harbin
2 Kings 18:28-37

They say hindsight is 20/20. We can't have hindsight over circumstances which have not yet developed. The future still lies ahead of us with all its complexity and uncertainty. When we are faced with what look like desperate situations, can we rely upon God to see us through? We are not promised, after all, that God will make our lives easy and resolve all our problems with no effort or responsibility on our part. Can we really trust God against all odds in the face of a looming disaster?

Sometimes, the difficult times in life are enough to make us want to sit it all out. We want to curl up in a ball somewhere and wait until everything has sorted itself out. Then we can pick up what pieces remain and start making sense of life once more. At other times, we may want to rush headlong into the midst of the storm and tackle the bull by the horns. We want to measure ourselves against whatever lies in our path. Then there are the times when we are simply at a loss and have no idea what to do.

Judah was somewhere in the middle of one of those times. Some wanted to curl up in a fetal position. Others wanted to determine some way to launch an attack. Others were at a complete loss. It was a trying time in which the path forward was clear for no one.

Assyria had arisen on the world scene as a power to be reckoned with. Ten years prior, Israel had been carted off into captivity and dispersed among other lands and nations according to the Assyrian game plan. The basic idea was to take people from one land and drop them off in another where they would be less of a threat to the empire. They would then bring others to repopulate Israel according to the same notion. Chaos was a tool they employed to great advantage, forcing the nations into dependence upon Assyria and allowing the empire to drastically increase in size.

Now the armies of Assyria had been deployed ...

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