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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 9
This content is part of a series.

Life After the Flood-Part 2 (19 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings Series
Brad Whitt
Genesis 9

If you have your Bibles with you, be finding your place back at Genesis, Chapter 9. And we're picking up in a study ... As I mentioned this morning, that we left off in, a couple of weeks ago if you were here, you remember I looked down there, I looked at the clock and at my notes. I realized that I had way too much to get done in the few minutes that I had remaining, so we just cut if off. We're going to pick back up tonight.

We're looking here at life after the flood, Genesis, Chapter 9. And as you're finding your place there; I heard the story of an old minster who survived the historic Johnston flood and as a result of surviving that, he loved to tell that story. Everywhere he went he would just tell the story of how he survived this historic event in his life. Well, of course, one day he died, as we all must do, and he got there to Heaven. He was meeting with all the saints gathering around. And they're all telling their life experiences. And so finally the old minister got excited about sharing his story. He went over to Peter, because Peter is always in charge in the stories. He said, ''Can I tell the story of how I survived the Johnstown flood?'' And Peter hesitated for a moment. He thought about it. And he said, ''Yeah, you can share, but you might ought to remember that Noah is out in the audience tonight.'' Amen?

I heard the story about an old Texan traveler one day, and he stopped at a small store on a hot, hot Texas day. There was a lady in my class this morning ... she may be here this evening ... she was in my class. I said, ''Hey, where you from?'' She said, ''Dallas.'' And I got excited. She went, ''Georgia.'' Amen. And I was still excited.

So this Texas traveler, on a hot Texas day - he stopped at a small store to buy a soft drink, a Coca Cola, maybe a Dr. Pepper in that part of the world, and he's wiping the sweat from his face, and ...

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