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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 39, Genesis 40
This content is part of a series.

Lessons From an Egyptian Prison - Part 2 (58 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings Series
Brad Whitt
Genesis 39-40

If you've got your Bibles with your real quickly tonight, I'm just going to take a few moments. So for those of you who want to get out a little bit early, this might be your night. Of course, if I get to preaching in a weaving way we might even be here till midnight, but we're in Genesis, chapters 39 and 40. Last week we got to the very first verses of chapter 41. We're talking about the lessons that are learned in an Egyptian jail. We're talking about the life, looking at the biography, really the experiences of a young man by the name of Joseph, my favorite Old Testament biblical character. He is a type, if you will, of the Lord Jesus Christ. And last week, we began by looking at his incarceration. We picked up from where we were the week before and he was incarcerated.

Remember he was there with Potiphar. Potiphar had entrusted all of his house to him. And Potiphar's wife had lied about him and he ended up in jail. That's his incarceration. But then in that jail cell, we moved and we talked about his interpretation. Remember there were two dreams that he heard about. There was a cupbearer and there was a baker. And they came to him and said, man, we don't understand it. We had a dream last night and nobody can tell us what this dream means. And so his ears perked up and he said, dreams, interpretations, man, I've got some experience with that. And so the cupbearer gave his dream. You remember that story? And then Joseph said, well, I'll tell you what's going to happen. In three days, you're going to be restored.

And then there was the baker and the baker said, I'd like to have my dream interpreted.
And Joseph must have thought, are you sure you really want this interpreted? But he was a man of integrity and he gave him the interpretation. Of course, that dream came true. He lost his head; he was executed there by the king. And so th ...

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