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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 45
This content is part of a series.

An Encounter in Egypt Part 2 (62 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings Series
Brad Whitt
Genesis 45

How many of y'all want to have fun tonight? All right. Well, be finding your place at the first book in your Bible, the Book of Genesis, where you can find your place roughly around Genesis 42. Let me just make this statement. I know y'all probably; maybe you all got your nap this afternoon. Can I see your hands? How many of y'all did not get your nap this afternoon and you're bitter about it? Okay, well, I pray that you got your nap this afternoon, because we have a whole lot of heavy, heavy spade work to do tonight. We're going to cover a whole lot of ground. My plan, my prayer, is that in about the next 30, 35, 40 minutes that we can finish up this particular study that's going to take us from really, the beginning of Chapter 42 of Genesis all the way into the beginning verses of Chapter 45. We're looking at a study we began last Sunday morning that I just called An Encounter in Egypt.

If you were here last Sunday night, raise your hand. All right, so I don't have to spend all the time going back through that first little point that we looked at last week if you were here. Remember, we talked about Joseph's deliberation. We looked there, first of all, about the timing of his favor, and then we also looked not only at the timing of his favor, but we looked at the taming of his feelings. That's where we left off last Sunday night. So, I'm not going to go back and spend a whole lot of time there tonight. We're just going to pick up tonight with Joseph's determination. You can find your place roughly around the first part of Genesis, chapter 43.

We come down tonight to Joseph's determination. Not only has Joseph's undercover action been a puzzle really to many Bible scholars over the years, you can say the same thing about his treatment of his brothers when they come to Egypt to buy food. On the first part, on the first look, on the surface, if you will ...

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