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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 45
This content is part of a series.

Happy Reunion Part 1 (63 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings Series
Genesis 45

All right, be finding your way tonight to Genesis, chapter 45. Wow. Would you have ever thought we could say those words? Genesis 45. Tonight, we're picking back up in our series of studies through this first book in your Bible, that we've entitled, The Book of Beginnings: Creation, Fall, Flood, and Covenant.

I need to give you a little bit of information because I want you to be able to be here. How many of you all have been here since the very beginning? I mean all the way through the Genesis study. Does anybody have in your Bible the first date? I was looking this afternoon, but I couldn't find it. Does anybody know? I've been saying we've been in it about two and a half years. Is there somebody here tonight, you're one of those wonderful people, most of the time wonderful, unless the pastor goes back and repeats the sermon, but you've got your dates there. Genesis 1:1. Does anybody have a date here tonight? When did I start it, right there in the back?

March, 2015, that's longer than two and a half years. Wow. Well, here's what I want you to know. Next Sunday night is our Lord's Supper. And what that means is that the Sunday night after that, so two nights from tonight, Lord willing, we'll be in the last sermon in our Genesis study. So you're going to want to be here. If you've been here all the way from the beginning, you're going to want to be here for that. And so I wanted you to be aware of that tonight.

Genesis 45 and 46 tonight. And tonight, we're going to be looking at, really learning about, a very happy, joyous, jubilant time in the life of Joseph when he was reunited with his brothers and his father. You're finding your way there to Genesis 45. Joyce Landorf Heatherley has written, really an amazing, really interesting and really enlightening, what you might call a semi historical account. A novel, very similar to a William Stevens book, his novel on Elija ...

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