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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 47
This content is part of a series.

Happy Reunion Part 2 (64 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings Series
Brad Whitt
Genesis 47

We're going to finish up, Lord willing, the book of Genesis, tonight. If you will take your Bibles and be finding one last time there, the very first book in your Bible, the book of Genesis, and again, tonight my plan is for us to conclude this series of studies we've been in over three years now. We've entitled this series of studies, the Book of Beginnings: Creation, Fall, Flood and Covenant. And I really do pray that you have been equipped. I hope that you've been encouraged. I pray that you've been edified. I pray that you've learned a lot and that you've been strengthened in your faith as we've seen how God, there in those early verses, created everything that is, out of nothing that was. Where we saw him create the sun, the moon, and the stars and we saw Adam and Eve, and seeing the first gospel.

We saw the first murder, we saw the flood, and we saw all the covenants that he made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We've seen the life of Joseph. We've been there the last several months. It has been a tremendous study, and here's the thing. We're not just learning about all this stuff up here. You're going to see, tonight as we finish up this study, we're learning how to live and even, tonight, how to die. That's what we're looking at tonight. How to face the end with faith.

I was telling Brother Dave before the service, I really am glad that you're here. You're going to hear something tonight you will not hear in virtually any other pulpit in any other church in the CSRA tonight, maybe even in the whole state of Georgia. It is a message we do not share enough. It is a message that we do not hear enough.

Again, we're talking tonight about how to face the end with faith. One night this past week, I had trouble sleeping and I don't know if you're like me; it was one of those storms. I woke up in the middle of the night, couldn't go back to sleep. There were a ...

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