A One Hundred Dollar Word
Rex Yancey
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Rudyard Kipling, British poet, was famous for his words. A reporter asked him one day, ''Mr. Kipling, I just read that somebody calculated that the money you make from your writings amount to over one hundred dollars a word.'' Mr. Kipling raised his eyebrows and said, ''Really, I certainly was not aware of that.'' The reporter cynically reached into his pocket and pulled out a hundred-dollar bill and gave it to Kipling and said, ''Now give me one of your hundred-dollar words.'' Kipling looked at the bill for a moment, took it, folded it and put it into his pocket and said, ''Thanks.''
The word ''Thanks'' is certainly a hundred-dollar word. It is a word that is too seldom heard, too rarely spoken, and too often forgotten.
If any nation ought to be grateful it is America. If any people in a nation ought to be grateful it is a Christian. If any group of Christians ought to be grateful, it ought to be the ones in this fellowship.
It is a sad commentary that God must command us to be grateful. However, we are born ungrateful children. You do not have to teach a duck to swim. A duck is born knowing how to swim. But if you throw an infant in the water, that infant will drown because swimming is not a part of the nature of the human infant.
It seems that babies are born with a clenched fuist as if to say ''Mine.'' We must teach our children to be thankful.
One little boy was given a piece of pie by a lady and he said, ''Thank you.'' She said, ''I love to hear little boys say thank you.'' He said, ''if you will put ice cream on it, you will hear me say thank you again!''
Gratitude is not a part of our nature. Sin is a part of our nature. When we traveled 111 miles, one way, from seminary to our church field every week we lived in close quarters. Lee was bothering Lori on one of those trips. Ellon said, ''Lee, don't touch her again!'' Everything got quiet and t ...
Rex Yancey
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Rudyard Kipling, British poet, was famous for his words. A reporter asked him one day, ''Mr. Kipling, I just read that somebody calculated that the money you make from your writings amount to over one hundred dollars a word.'' Mr. Kipling raised his eyebrows and said, ''Really, I certainly was not aware of that.'' The reporter cynically reached into his pocket and pulled out a hundred-dollar bill and gave it to Kipling and said, ''Now give me one of your hundred-dollar words.'' Kipling looked at the bill for a moment, took it, folded it and put it into his pocket and said, ''Thanks.''
The word ''Thanks'' is certainly a hundred-dollar word. It is a word that is too seldom heard, too rarely spoken, and too often forgotten.
If any nation ought to be grateful it is America. If any people in a nation ought to be grateful it is a Christian. If any group of Christians ought to be grateful, it ought to be the ones in this fellowship.
It is a sad commentary that God must command us to be grateful. However, we are born ungrateful children. You do not have to teach a duck to swim. A duck is born knowing how to swim. But if you throw an infant in the water, that infant will drown because swimming is not a part of the nature of the human infant.
It seems that babies are born with a clenched fuist as if to say ''Mine.'' We must teach our children to be thankful.
One little boy was given a piece of pie by a lady and he said, ''Thank you.'' She said, ''I love to hear little boys say thank you.'' He said, ''if you will put ice cream on it, you will hear me say thank you again!''
Gratitude is not a part of our nature. Sin is a part of our nature. When we traveled 111 miles, one way, from seminary to our church field every week we lived in close quarters. Lee was bothering Lori on one of those trips. Ellon said, ''Lee, don't touch her again!'' Everything got quiet and t ...
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