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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
This content is part of a series.

Doctrine of the Scripture (3 of 6)
Series: Anchored
Joey Rodgers
2 Timothy 3:16-17

Legend has it there was an admiral in the Navy, a real sea dog and respected military strategist, who carried a little card he'd discreetly look at just prior to leading his fleet into battle. Of course, every sailor who ever served under him was crazy curious to what was on his card. When he retired, he left the card in his ready room - so the moment he left the ship, his officers ran to see what inspirational wisdom was on the card - it read, ''Never forget, port is left and starboard is right.''

Sometimes, in the heat of battle, we just need to know the basic truth that right is right and left is left - and this is what doctrine is for a Jesus follower, the foundational basics that teach us right from wrong, good from evil, what's of God and what's not of God.

If you're just joining us, we're 4-weeks into a summer series on the doctrine of our faith - entitled, Anchored.

Just as an Anchor is a stabilizing device used to secure a ship to the ocean floor to keep it from drifting due to current/wind. God has given us doctrine to serve as a faith anchor to help us thru the storms/rough waters of life so we won't be swept away.

doctrine - Doctrine is teaching to define, describe, and delineate our faith to provide clarity into truth.
Meaning... w/out sound doctrine, our lives will be set adrift by the winds/currents of religious lies and cultural affections that lead us away/astray from God.

In looking over the course of Church history, we'd quickly notice that the first few centuries of the Church were preoccupied w/ the question - who is Jesus and what is the church? It was the Councils of Nicaea in 325 A.D. and Chalcedon in 451 A.D. that settled the question of the humanity/divinity of Jesus. After that, the next 1,000 yrs sought to address - what is the Church? It was during this period the Roman Catholic Church claimed to be the only true church. Sadly th ...

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