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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Exodus 20:1-17
This content is part of a series.

An Introduction to the 10 (1 of 10)
Series: Timeless
Joey Rodgers
Exodus 20:1-17

Ronald Reagan once said when commenting on the Bible - I have often wondered what the 10 Commandments would've looked like if Moses had run them thru the U.S. Congress.

Something to ponder, but I'm not sure his comment wasn't more about Congress than about the Bible. Nonetheless, it's safe to say that if Congress or even a local church body had been responsible for these 10 statements, they likely wouldn't be what they are - but thankfully these commands weren't conjured up by man, but inscribed by God.

But what exactly are the 10 Commandments? And what is their significance? Let me answer w/ a story.

Back in 1974 during the Watergate scandal when President Nixon was forced to resign, one of his advisors, Jeb McGruder, was convicted of burglary/cover-up. When sentenced, the Judge asked, ''How could this happen? How could you fall as you did?'' McGruder replied, ''Somewhere along the way, I lost my moral compass - and w/ it, the ability to navigate my life.''

When I think of the 10 Commandments - I think of God's timeless truth to provide His creation w/ a moral compass and a standard by which one can navigate life.

For several months I've been under conviction to teach on the 10 Commandments - which I guess after nearly 20 yrs of teaching/preaching, I might ought to get around to speaking about these important statements.

Yet despite their importance, throughout my lifetime, these 10 commands have been taken down and taken out of nearly every public arena in our culture. From our public schools to the Supreme Court and every state capitol in b/w - God's standard of truth/decency - and the influence of the Judeo-Christian ethic - has all but been dismantled right before our eyes. And I can't say we're any better for it.

Over the next 10 weeks, we're going seek to understand the meaning/purpose of these commands. But to appreciate them, I need to catch us ...

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