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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Exodus 20:1-3
This content is part of a series.

No Other gods (2 of 10)
Series: Timeless
Joey Rodgers
Exodus 20:1-3

I remember well my 1st car - a 1973 clutch-less 4-speed VW Bug that'd do 0-60 in about 3 days. I also remember the joy of having to change the oil - which of course I hated to do. So I'll never forget the day I heard about the Sears 15 pt. oil change for $15.99. Yes, for a poor 17 yr. old, that was a lot of money, but it was worth it. I didn't have to get under the car. I didn't have to get oily/dirty. And I didn't have to waste my time trying to find somewhere nature-friendly to dispose of the oil. But even better, it was a 15 pt. oil change which meant they did more than just change the oil. They also:

- Filled/topped off the brake/washer fluids...
- Checked the treads/inflated the tires...
- Checked/replaced the filters/belts...
- Vacuumed the interior/disposed of the trash...
- They even squirted a nice scent of new leather into my cloth seats (heaven)

Whenever I drove away, it almost felt like I had a brand new 1973 VW bug in 1984 - and all for $15.99. It almost felt as if my car looked better, could run faster, and go farther.

It reminds me of when Cam was 4 and he thought he could run faster/jump higher just b/c he got new pair of shoes!

So why do I bring this up and how does this relate to our series? Wouldn't it be great if there was something like a Sears 15 pt. oil change for our spiritual lives? Well, there is... Only it's not a 15 pt. service offered by Sears but a 10 pt. service offered by God - the 10 Commandments.

Last week we began a series on the 10 Commandments entitled Timeless b/c these guiding instructions are timeless truths to help us understand right/wrong and good/evil and how b/c of the fall we are unable to keep - thus revealing our need for a Divine solution to our problem of sin to reconcile us to God. So God gave us the Law (Torah) is an essential tool to set us on a course to the Cross and salvation.

As mentioned last week, the 10 Comma ...

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