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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Exodus 20:7
This content is part of a series.

Lip Service (4 of 10)
Series: Timeless
Joey Rodgers
Exodus 20:7

My name is Joseph Italo Rodgers – yes… my middle name is Italo – Italy w/ an “o”. And yes… I’m very proud of my middle name b/c I was named after my hero – my grandpa. When I was a kid, my grandpa and I spent nearly every Saturday together hanging out. He invested his life into me and loved me like few have ever loved a child. I cherish the honor of bearing his name.

What’s in a name? In most instances – MUCH! B/c a name is a power thing that conjures up emotions, memories, and all kinds of idea. For example, what do you think of if I say Benedict Arnold? How about George Washington? Abe Lincohn? Mother Theresa? Billy Graham? But if I say Hitler or Osama Bin Laden, or the name of someone you don’t like it invokes a different set of ideas/emotions all together b/c every name has meaning.

What about God? What does His name mean to you? I heard a true, but sad story of a little girl in S.S. for the 1st time and the teacher was sharing on Christmas. As the teacher read thru the story of the angels, shepherds, and wise men – she came to the statement – “They shall call His name Jesus…” Immediately the girl asked, “Why did they have to name such a sweet baby a swear word?” The only time she’d ever heard the name of Jesus is was associated w/ cursing.

If you’re just joining us, we’re in a series on the Ten Commandments entitled Timeless looking at 10 instructions intended to guide us to a right understanding of right/wrong and good/evil. More importantly, God gave them to establish a standard of righteousness no person is capable of keeping to reveal to us our sinful nature/depravity – and thus our need for a Divine solution to our problem of sin. So God gave us the Law to set us on a right course to the Cross.

As previously mentioned, the 10 Commandments can be broken into (2) groups: the 1st (4) pertain to our relationship w/ God and the 2nd (6) deal w/ our relationship ...

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