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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Exodus 20:12
This content is part of a series.

Being a Parent Worthy of Honor (6 of 10)
Series: Timeless
Joey Rodgers
Exodus 20:12

I read a sadly humorous story this week about a newspaper editor who decided he'd print one of the 10 commandments every day for 10 days. At the end of (10) days, he received a note from a reader who said, ''Cancel my subscription, your paper is getting too personal.''

Truth is the 10 Commandments are personal b/c God gave them to us for relationship - so absolutely they're personal. They were intended to help each us know the difference b/w right/wrong, good/evil, and God/good as we see God's love reaching out to us to provide a solution to the problem of sin.

The Law reveals that b/c of sin, not one person can satisfy God's righteous standard - for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. It also points us to God's grace found in Jesus as God demonstrated His love for you/me in this way, while we were sinner, Jesus died for us.

After (4) weeks of looking at the 1st set of commands that deal w/ our relationship w/ God, today we're turning our attention to what many scholars have deemed the centerpiece command. For as we begin looking at the (6) commands that deal w/ out relationships w/ others - it all begins w/ the 5th command which involves the most critical human authority - honoring our father/mother.

Honor your father and mother so your days may be long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. Ex. 20:12


honor (kabed) to attach weight to or place superiority. It's a word used to express our respect for the glory/majesty of God and His Divine authority over His creation. So to honor one's parents is to give them the respect, value, and esteem due them for their Divine placement in our lives.

It means to uphold one's worth/influence by doing the things that'll cause them to be respected in the eyes of others. It means to love/care for them throughout their lives, never neglecting them or acting like you've neve ...

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