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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Exodus 20:13
This content is part of a series.

Choose Life (7 of 10)
Series: Timeless
Joey Rodgers
Exodus 20:13

Anyone like receiving gifts? I love gifts! I like giving them, but receiving is better. Whether it's my birthday, Christmas, or just b/c someone wants to bless me... I'm always up for foraging thru a bag or ripping open some wrapping paper.

Many people don't realize it, but a few 1000 yrs ago, God gave humanity a gift called the 10 Commandments. He gave us guiding instructions to help us to know the difference b/w right/wrong and good/evil. More importantly, He gave them to us to draw us into relationship w/ Him.

God's Top 10 is a gift in that it shows us our propensity to sin and our inability to satisfy God's holy standard b/c all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. But God didn't abandon us in our lostness b/c after the Law, He extended grace at the cross in that God demonstrated His love for you/me in this way, while we were sinner, Jesus died for us. So the Law is the gift that points us to God's grace.

As we continue our study of this gift, today we're going to look at the 6th and the gift of life - You shall not kill.

Now some of you are likely thinking: Pastor, We can skip this command b/c I haven't murdered anyone lately.
Maybe not, but the respect for life in our country is scarce and diminishing. Did you know every 30 min. in the US someone is shot, stabbed, or beaten to death - that a person commits suicide every 12 seconds and that a baby is aborted every 1.3 seconds. By the time a child in the US reaches age 18, they'll have seen over 200k acts of violence on TV, not including the acts of violence they'll have seen in movies or acted out in a video games. Suffice to say, we've become a nation desensitized to the value of human life.

When it comes to the 6th Command you'd think it'd be pretty straight forward, yet it's the most misunderstood, misapplied, and misinterpreted of the Commandments. Partly b/c people read into the English word instead of ...

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