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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Exodus 20:14
This content is part of a series.

A Faithful Love (8 of 10)
Series: Timeless
Joey Rodgers
Exodus 20:14

Good AM - I'd like for you all to get out something to write w/ and write on as we're going to have a pop quiz. I've been sharing w/ you through this series that before it was completed we'd all learn the 10 Commandments in order - well today we're going to recite 1-6. (Read Ex. 20:1-17)

As a quick refresher, the 10 Commandments are God's 10 Timeless guiding instructions intended to help us learn right from wrong, good from evil - and most importantly, they're God's gift of law to point us to His grace. For in these 10 commands we discover who we are - people who miss the mark of God's perfection who are incapable of keeping God's law - and we learn who God is - a God of mercy and grace who is seeking a relationship w/ His creation. As such, God's intent in giving the Law was not to condemn us but to confront us to point us to His one and only solution to the problem of sin - which is the Cross and salvation.

This AM we're going to turn our attention to the 7th command - which is easily the most provocative of all the commands. In fact, up to this point, the commandments have been personal, but from here on out, they're going to meddle w/ some very personal areas of our lives.

In commandments 7-10, God is going to get in our grill! He's going to step into our personal space to deal w/ our inner most thoughts, concerns, and struggles. But never fear parents - while I'll be direct, I'll also be tame.

Command 7 - You shall not commit adultery.

I The ACT of Adultery

When we think of adultery, we often think of a man being unfaithful to his wife. While this is true, the 7th Command involves any premarital/extra-marital sexual experience outside of marriage! But this isn't a negative command so much as it's a command to protect the family.

Simply put - this command is about looking for love in all the right places. It's taking the gift of sexuality intended for intimacy/pro ...

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