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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Exodus 20:16
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To Tell the Truth (9 of 10)
Series: Timeless
Joey Rodgers
Exodus 20:16

When it comes to lying, I think of the man who was pulled over for doing 88 in a 45. The officer asked for his license and the man said, ''I'm sorry, but my license is suspended.'' The officer then asked for the registration and he said, ''It's in the glove compartment, but it's not in my name b/c I stole this car and stuffed the owner in the trunk. At this point the officer had the man step out of the car and radioed for help. When the supervisor showed up, he asked the man for his license, and it was valid. The supervisor then asked for the registration, and it was in order too. Finally, the supervisor had him to open the trunk, and the only thing in it was a spare tire. The supervisor looked at the man and said, ''This officer said you were driving on a suspended license, in a stolen car w/ a body in the trunk.'' The man replied, ''Really! And I bet he told you I was speeding too!''

Before we look at the 9th commandment, let me begin by saying thanks to Pastor Craig for stepping in last Sunday to teach on the 8th commandment. I'm so thankful for His passion/ability to rightly divide the Scriptures. I know those of you who were here were truly blessed by his gifting.

Let's quickly recite the first (8) Commandments:

#9 - You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

neighbor - can refer to a friend, an associate, a brother, a spouse, a companion, an enemy, or neighbor. In other words, your neighbor is anyone and everyone. And God calls us to never misrepresent the truth about others.

Today I want to look briefly at the problem/prohibition of untruth and the priority of speaking truth.

I The PROBLEM w/ Untruth

In the book, The Day America Told the Truth, it reports that 91% of Americans admit they lie routinely; 86% lie to parents, 75% to friends, 73% to siblings, and 69% to spouses! Sadly, research reveals that most people can't go 10 min. w/out either ...

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