Working Through Worry
Robert Dawson
Matthew 6:19-34
There are over 7 million people in America who suffer from G.A.D., which stands for ''Generalized Anxiety Disorder.'' That amounts to a little over 3% of the population. Those suffering from GAD are characterized by persistent and excessive. Many constantly anticipate disaster and can be overly concerned about money, family, health, work or endless array of other issues.
People with GAD find it difficult to control their worry and may expect the worst even when there is no apparent reason for concern. For them, the feelings of worry and anxiety are present more than they are absent. Physical effects: Headaches, Muscle aches and tension, Stomach aches, twitching, hot flashes. Social effects: Missed opportunities because of fear, avoid others and lose jobs because they struggle to carry out daily activities.
GAD, along with other anxiety disorders, are most often related to a difficulty tolerating any uncertainty. Because of that, they may seek to control everything around them. ( - Anxiety and Depression Association of America).
While this may an extreme condition and none of us may be clinically diagnosed with it, it is one that all of us can relate to. We understand worry. We are an anxious people.
What is it that makes us anxious? What do we worry about? Let's create a top 10 list. We'll do a quick, unscientific and informal survey and study tonight in our small sample group. What makes you anxious? What do you worry about?
One thing seems obvious. Worry is common to each of us. We've experienced it. We struggle with it. So, what is the answer? J.T. Fischer, a psychiatrist from the 1950s, wrote that if all the data and discoveries of psychology were distilled in order to come up with the best thing people could do to impact their overall mental health, it would be to live by the Sermon on the Mount.
That's a pretty bold statement for him to make. It's one I happen to agree with ...
Robert Dawson
Matthew 6:19-34
There are over 7 million people in America who suffer from G.A.D., which stands for ''Generalized Anxiety Disorder.'' That amounts to a little over 3% of the population. Those suffering from GAD are characterized by persistent and excessive. Many constantly anticipate disaster and can be overly concerned about money, family, health, work or endless array of other issues.
People with GAD find it difficult to control their worry and may expect the worst even when there is no apparent reason for concern. For them, the feelings of worry and anxiety are present more than they are absent. Physical effects: Headaches, Muscle aches and tension, Stomach aches, twitching, hot flashes. Social effects: Missed opportunities because of fear, avoid others and lose jobs because they struggle to carry out daily activities.
GAD, along with other anxiety disorders, are most often related to a difficulty tolerating any uncertainty. Because of that, they may seek to control everything around them. ( - Anxiety and Depression Association of America).
While this may an extreme condition and none of us may be clinically diagnosed with it, it is one that all of us can relate to. We understand worry. We are an anxious people.
What is it that makes us anxious? What do we worry about? Let's create a top 10 list. We'll do a quick, unscientific and informal survey and study tonight in our small sample group. What makes you anxious? What do you worry about?
One thing seems obvious. Worry is common to each of us. We've experienced it. We struggle with it. So, what is the answer? J.T. Fischer, a psychiatrist from the 1950s, wrote that if all the data and discoveries of psychology were distilled in order to come up with the best thing people could do to impact their overall mental health, it would be to live by the Sermon on the Mount.
That's a pretty bold statement for him to make. It's one I happen to agree with ...
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