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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 39, Genesis 40
This content is part of a series.

Lessons from an Egyptian Prison - Part 1 (57of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Brad Whitt
Genesis 39-40

If you will, be finding your place tonight at Genesis, Chapter numbers 39 and 40. Genesis Chapter numbers 39 and 40. Are you all glad to be here tonight? Well since you're so excited, we're in Genesis, Chapters 39 and 40 tonight. So we were in Genesis 39 last time. Well, we didn't quite get done, so we're going to bounce back and forth between Genesis 39 and 40.

This past week, my family had the opportunity to go home and see our parents. And so we drove to Milan, Tennessee, seven and a half, eight hours one way with four kids in an Expedition. You know what? I bought the biggest vehicle I could find this side of a 15 passenger van and it's not big enough for those trips. Amen? And so we had been there when my dad went hunting on Tuesday, and got up on Wednesday morning and decided to drive down to Memphis. Kim and the youngest two were already down there. So we had been on the road in my mama's old little Kia, about 10 or 15 minutes, and my dad called and said, ''Hey Brad, have you seen my cat?'' And I said, ''Well, no. The last time I saw it or the kids saw it was in the garage. And my dog barked at it and it ran out the door and they said it went to the shed outside.'' And he said, ''Oh, still I can't find it.'' I said ''Well, it's around there somewhere.'' So we drove about another hour, hour and a half. My Dad called back again and said, ''Hey, have you seen my cat?'' I said, ''Well, no,'' let me ask. He said, ''Well ask the kids where my cat went.'' By the way, who cares where a cat went? Can I get an amen on that? And so I ask the kids. I said, ''Hey, where did you see that cat?'' And they said, ''Well, Daddy, it was in the garage and Maddie barked at it and it ran out the door,'' and I said, ''Well Daddy.'' He said, ''Bradley you sure that cat is not in the car?''

I said, ''No, we've been in this car an hour and a half, two hours. We hav ...

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