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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 37
This content is part of a series.

Introducing Joseph - Part 3 (56 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Brad Whitt
Genesis 37

Tonight we are back in Genesis, chapter 37, and tonight, Lord willing, we're going to finish up our introduction on my favorite Old Testament character, and that's a man by the name of Joseph. How many of you all have been here for the first two? Can I see your hands? You've been here for part one, you've been here for part two. Raise them back up again. Y'all move too quick for me, all right. Tonight we're in part three and hopefully completing our study here on this introduction, setting the stage on Joseph, that we began a couple of weeks ago.

If you'll remember, we began by talking about the fact that biographies are really one of my favorite things. I love reading biographies, whether it's a biblical biography, or whether it is a biography on Ben Franklin, or Theodore Roosevelt, or Abraham Lincoln. I love biographies.
I guess that's one of the reasons I love the book of Genesis so much, because as you go through the book of Genesis, really what you're reading is the biography of, really, the Patriarchs, those who are the heroes of the faith. Tonight, we're picking back up looking at this man by the name of Joseph. We began by looking at the forgotten scene. We talked about his birth to 17 years, 17 to 30 years; 30 years of how God worked and moved in all of those different areas and aspects, and really, segments, of his life.

Last time we got back together we didn't look at the forgotten scene. We got to the favored son last week. That's where I want us to pick up here this evening in Genesis, chapter 37. We'll begin reading in just a moment with verse number three, looking at the favored son and then the foul scheme tonight. Keep in mind, remember that from the very day that he was born, Joseph was a daddy's boy. Can I get an amen on that? He was his father's favored son. He was the first born of Jacob's favorite wife, Rachel, and he loved her dearly. ...

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