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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 37
This content is part of a series.

Introducing Joseph - Part 2 (55 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Brad Whitt
Genesis 37

All right. If you have your Bibles with you now this evening, find your place at Genesis, chapter number 37. Now I'm just so excited about this one. Anyway, Genesis chapter 37. And so if you're new here at Abilene, we've been in a series of studies for the past two years, really, through this first book in the Bible, the book of Genesis. You see there in the logo, the major themes that we've been looking at in this study. So we're looking at the book of beginnings and we're looking, really, dealing with creation, fall, flood and covenant. And we are now really dealing with the last of the covenants, if you will, dealing with major personalities in the book of Genesis. Two weeks ago I began to share with you an introduction to this man we're going to be looking at for the next several, several months.

My favorite Old Testament character, a young man by the name of Joseph. He really is, as one Bible scholar said, he really is a unique personality, a unique figure out of all the characters in all of the Old Testament, this man by the name of Joseph. And I really thought, well I can come back in, and I started off last time we were together and I got a good ways into it. I really had high hopes that I was going to be able to come here tonight and I'll be able to get it all done. We'll get done with the introduction of Joseph and then we can get back into dealing with the stories that we all know and love that we really have great recollection of concerning this young man by the name of Joseph. I was studying this afternoon and I began to realize that I'm not going to get done tonight either.

I know that surprises some of you, but it really shouldn't surprise you because if you remember the last time we were together, I shared with you that 25% of the book of Genesis is given, it is devoted to, really the detailing the life of this tremendous, tremendous Old Testame ...

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