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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 37
This content is part of a series.

Introducing Joseph- Part 1 (54 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Brad Whitt
Genesis 37

Well, if you have your Bibles with you now, real quickly tonight, just as a way of introduction, you be finding your place at Genesis 37. Genesis 37 tonight. And it is my privilege, my honor to introduce ... this morning I got introduce you to a man by the name of Matthew. And tonight, I want to introduce you to a man of immense integrity. A man of impeccable character. A man who modeled continual absolute God-like forgiveness. His name is Joseph. Really, what a tremendous young man to be studying, having all of our students in here tonight.

And if you don't normally come on Sunday night, can I just give you a little bit of a commercial tonight? You need to come on Sunday nights. Our Sunday nights, just being honest, our Sunday nights are even better than Sunday morning. And that's saying something.
So we are studying here, over the last several, about two years now, this first book in your Bible, the book of Genesis. And we've entitled this simple series of studies, The Book of Beginnings: Creation, Fall, Flood, and Covenant. And we've come through all of the Adamic covenants, and Noah's covenants, and all those sorts of things. We've dealt with Abraham. And tonight we come to this wonderful exciting young man by the name of Joseph.

My guess is, you're not going to soon forget what God has to teach you from this young man's life. His biography, of course, is found in the greatest biography of all time, the Bible. So, it's going to be great. Let's look there in Genesis 37, and if you're there in verse one, let's read a few verses tonight to get all of us going in the same direction. We're going to be about 10 to 15, maybe 15 minutes or so tonight. And then we're going to scoot across the way. If you're there in chapter 37, verse one, say amen.

All right, notice what the Bible says. 37 ''Now Jacob dwelt in the land where his father was a stranger, in the la ...

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