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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 29
This content is part of a series.

How to Have a Good Fight (52 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Brad Whitt
Genesis 29

Tonight, what I want to do real quickly, is I want us to turn to Genesis, chapter 29. Genesis, chapter number 29, and in just a minute we'll be looking in verse number 1 together. Genesis 29, and verse number one. As I mentioned this morning, what I want do tonight is I want to just talk to you for a few minutes about how to have a good fight. How to have a good fight. This really is one of those areas, one of those issues that I have a really big burden about. I have a burden for our couples. I have a burden for our families. I have a burden for those who are married, and I really have a burden for those who are seeking that one that God would have you to spend the rest of your life with. And so I want you to know that it absolutely breaks my heart to see our families who will go through a separation. They will suffer a divorce, or they will live year after year after year in a literal hell on earth.

Now, what I want to say tonight is that this is not preaching; this is personal. How many of you all understand that? Look at me; raise your hand. This is personal. This really hit close to home for me when I was just a young preacher boy. One of the guys, one of my best friends; he was the best man in my wedding. He and I were in preacher class together there at Union University. He married one of the girls that I grew up with from the time I was in third grade all the way through the end of college. And I saw that pastor and that really close friend go through a terrible divorce. It cost him his ministry, it cost her her reputation. And then as a pastor, I have seen, I have watched, I have observed couples in the churches that I have pastored go through separation and divorce. And here's the thing. Normally, when people come to the preacher for counseling, normally when a couple comes to the preacher for counseling, my observation is that it is almost too late. I'm no ...

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