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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 28
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Jacob the Deceiver (50 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Brad Whitt
Genesis 28

We're a little over half way through our study in this first book in your Bible. We've called this series of studies, The Book of Beginnings: Creation, Fall, Flood, and Covenant. The first half of the book of Genesis has to do with the creation of the universe, the call of Abram out of Ur, and the covenant that God made with Abraham and his descendants. The second half of the book of Genesis really has to do with the beginnings of the Hebrew nation. It tells us how the nation of Israel, as we know it today, came into existence.

Somebody asked me a moment ago, they said, ''Pastor, when are you going to be in Israel?'' I said, ''A week from tomorrow we will be on our way to the Holy Land.'' I wish more of you all had signed up to go with us. Perhaps this time we're going to take a whole lot of pictures and a bunch of video, bring it back and show it to you. And you're going to say, ''Wow! When can we go again?'' And we'll say we'll go again next month. Amen?

Now, we haven't encountered the name Israel yet in our study through this beginning book in your Bible, but it's not going to be very long until we do so. As you move through the book of Genesis, there are really four main characters, four main persons, personalities if you will, that you encounter in between Genesis 12 and Genesis 50. For example, there is Abraham, Father Abraham, the father of the faithful. There's Isaac, the domesticated. There's Jacob, the schemer. And then I cannot wait until we get over to and look at and study the life of Joseph.

If you'll remember, we spent several months looking at and learning from the life of Abraham. Over the last several times together, we have looked and learned from the life of Isaac. We picked up a little bit last time and began looking at the life of Jacob. And so, as we come here to Genesis 28, let's just read the first several verses and really a couple of passag ...

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