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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: 1 Samuel 9, 1 Samuel 10, 1 Samuel 11, 1 Samuel 12
This content is part of a series.

God in the Details (7)
Series: 1 Samuel
Robert Dawson
1 Samuel 9-12

Sometimes in life we find the unexpected in the ordinary.

A couple weeks ago I read a rather strange and disturbing news article online. Some kids in Australia had gone into the bathroom to brush their teeth when they looked up and saw a 5-foot-long python coming through a part of the light fixture where a bulb was missing. (You're all going to be looking above your head at the light fixtures tonight when your brush your teeth. You're welcome). The guy they called to wrangle the snake said he estimates that 1 out of every 3 homes in Australia have snakes in the rafters. Folks, one more reason I'm glad I live in America.

The unexpected and extraordinary can occur when we are simply taking part in the ordinary, like brushing our teeth. This was something a young man by the name of Saul discovers in our story today.

Before I introduce you to Saul, let's set the stage and provide some historical-biblical context. The people of Israel, who had been struggling off and on from various enemy threats for over 2 centuries (because of their idolatry and disobedience before God) decided they wanted a king. They came to Samuel, who was the spiritual leader, prophet and de facto judge for the nation with their request. Samuel was angry, not because he saw it as a rejection of him and his house, but as a rejection of God as the people's true King. God tells Samuel to give the people what they want. Chapter 8 closes with Samuel telling the people, ''Fine. I'll give you want you want. I will give you a king.'' He sends the elders (the tribal leaders) home with the promise of a king and then there is nothing but silence for an unspecified period of time.

The nation had to be anxious. Curiosity was building. There is one question and one question only on their mind, ''Who will be the king of Israel?'' With that question hovering over the nation, we come to chapter 9 and a young man named Saul step ...

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