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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: 1 Samuel 8
This content is part of a series.

Whose Your King? (6)
Series: 1 Samuel
Robert Dawson
1 Samuel 8

There are things we all hate to hear. Growing up it was...You need to clean your room, which did not happen as often as my mother would have liked. You need to mow the yard and weed the flower beds, which didn't happen as often as my father would have liked.

In school I cringed when the teacher said, ''Clear your desk and take out a clean sheet of paper and number from 1 to 10. It is time for a pop-quiz.''

In ministry, the most frightening thing I hear that sends cold shivers down my spine and causes my brain to seize up is, ''Pastor, do you have a few minutes, or can I make an appointment with you?'' That's scary stuff right there. You don't' know what's coming next and in my experience, it's not always encouraging.

I've done something or the church has done something (or failed to do something) and I'm about to get an earful. They've done something and I'm about to get involved.

They know something they shouldn't know and that I don't want to know and am about to get involved. I'm learning to ask, ''What's the meeting about?'' That way I can sleep the night before! (I say all that tongue and cheek but there is a measure of truth in most things).

I'd imagine Samuel felt a little uneasy when the Israel's elders showed up in mass on the doorstep of his home in Ramah asking to meet with him. When Samuel saw that gaggle of men, he knew something was up. He knew this meeting was the outcome of a previous meeting, one that he was not invited to.

They did not beat around the bush and with very little tact told him...You've gotten old. Samuel, we think you're slipping a little. Don't you think it's time for a nice gold watch and a fancy retirement party? The old gray mare ain't what she used to be!

Not only that, your sons, who you installed as judges in the southern part of the kingdom to help out with your workload and travel schedule aren't working out. To be honest Samuel, t ...

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