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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Mark 13:1-37, Mark 13
This content is part of a series.

The Return of the King (25 of 28)
Series: The Gospel of Mark: The True Story of the Son of God
Josh Malone
Mark 13:1-37

Let's talk about the last days- Got your attention? Good! Let's be clear this morning... JESUS IS COMING. LITERALLY, SUDDENLY, BODILY... THE KING WILL RETURN. We can disagree on a lot of the details...but every believer believes in his literal return. Praise the Lord! Now let's go eat lunch! haha JK!I want to be clear... its a temptation to approach this topic with fear, with intimidation, dread... but I want us to approach it with JOY, EXCITEMENT, AND HUMILITY. Let every believer be greatly encouraged... and every unbeliever be warned. The King is Coming.

We are not going to get to cover every thing there is to say about the end times today. Jesus doesn't do that here and I'm certainly not going to. But I do want us to get an overview about what Jesus says in this particular text about the coming end of the age. For most of this this is a daunting subject. - We must approach it with understanding that its complex- Orthodox Christianity teaches Jesus will return- Literally, bodily, physically to this earth. That there will be a resurrection of the living and the dead. That there is a literal Heaven and Hell. That there will be a New Heavens and Earth, that Jesus is going to rain FOREVER. -

This we know. But some of the details are very much debated in Christian circles, even among those that agree on most things. - So we have room to disagree with kindness and respect on details this morning. But we are going to focus less on details this morning on more on big picture.

Difficult Text - Here how interpret this text: He is both prophesying the end of the temple which took place in A.D. 70 and he is talking about the end of the world and His return. So I would say the destruction of the temple was a type... a foreshadowing... of a greater time of difficulty. I would also say that in the first 13 verses you have what is now a descr ...

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