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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Mark 12:18-27
This content is part of a series.

Living Forever (22 of 28)
Series: The Gospel of Mark: The True Story of the Son of God
Josh Malone
Mark 12:18-27

Forever. That's a long time to think about. Do you believe that you will live forever somewhere or do you believe that at some point in time you will cease to be altogether? What you believe about eternity has ramifications for how you live today. It helps shape you. The truth is death is certain. People likely avoid thinking about the afterlife because that leads to remembering and realizing that you will die... Al Mohler tells the story in one of his books of an old preacher that used to say... ''You are going to die. They are going to put you in a box. They are going to throw dirt on your face. And they are going to go eat potato salad.'' - If this life is all there is and all there is to live for then we must fear the box. But if the gospel does what it promises... we need not fear the box, the dirt, or death. Christ has conquered the box and all it entails.

Biblical afterlife--- The Eternal God made you in His image so you will live forever somewhere. Because of sin we all die physically. At death those have repented of their sin and trusted Christ as Lord are immediately in His presence. Heaven is real. Those that remain in their sin and die apart from Christ must suffer for their sins. God is eternal and completely holy. Any sin against him is an incredible treason. So those apart from Christ suffer forever under the wrath of a holy and just God. Hell is real. So at death your spirit either goes to be with the Lord or goes to endure God's wrath in Hell. But there is coming a day when their will be a resurrection of the dead. Both in Christ and apart from Christ will be raised either to life or death. Christians bodies will be transformed into glorious bodies that can and live forever and not get sick and not sin. Complete. Perfect. The body and spirit will be united and we will serve God. Those that do not know Christ their bodies will ...

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