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by Nelson Price

Scripture: II CORINTHIANS 5:17, PSALMS 107:1-3, PSALMS 107:10-19, PSALMS 107:21-43


PSALMS 107: 1, 2 & 31, 32
(COME ALIVE BIBLE 896 & 897)

JESUS CHRIST, the recently resurrected Lord of life and death,
sent a message to His disgraced and denying disciple, Simon
Peter, "Meet me at the Sea of Galilee."
The reason, that we might start again.
Young John Mark deserted Paul and Silas on a missionary journey.
Jesus said to him, "Lift up your chin and pick up your pen.
Let's start over again. I've got a gospel for you to write."
He is the God of renewal. To say He is the God of a second
chance is to limit Him. He is the loving God of the second
chance and more. He is the God of renewal.
He wants to use our adversities to our advantage. We can signal
our willingness for Him to bless and use us by showing an
attitude of gratitude.
The aftermath of Thanksgiving, like ripples resulting from a
rock dropped in a placid pond, still lingers. We dare not let it
fade without reflecting on the spirit of the holiday.
At the request of both houses of Congress President Washington
issued the first Thanksgiving Day Proclamation in 1789. He was
following the tradition of the Pilgrims who celebrated a day of
thanks in 1621.
It is little known that our third President, Thomas Jefferson,
discontinued the holiday saying it was "a kingly practice."
After he discontinued it most states continued it individually.
Were it not for Sarah Hale the holiday might not now be
observed. She was editor of a magazine entitled "Godey's Lady's
Book," and author of the beloved poem, "Mary Had a Little Lamb."
She wrote letters and sought appointm ...

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