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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Mark 11:27, Mark 12:12
This content is part of a series.

Rebellion and Redemption (20 of 28)
Series: The Gospel of Mark: The True Story of the Son of God
Josh Malone
Mark 11:27-12:12

Nobody likes being told what to do. It offends our pride. We want to be in charge. We want to call the shots. This is why you can put a team of 4 people on a project and one will arise as the leader, whether they should be or not they just will. Likely of the other three one may be fighting for the lead role and the other two they are thinking in their minds how they would do it differently. How they aren't being respected and how so and so should not be calling the shots. We like to be in charge. - Authority is from God. God is pro authority but He is not pro the abuse or neglect of it. In the grand scheme of things God is in charge. God is the one with the highest authority. God is the One who has the right and the power to tell everyone else who ever has or will live what they should or shouldn't do. But man is proud. Man does not like that. Man wants to be in charge. So this is a major theme in the Bible... man's rebellion against God's authority in our lives.- In the Garden of Eden this is what went wrong of course. Man decided to rebel against God's authority and ultimately tried to usurp that authority by taking charge of his own life. This led to dire consequences. We still feel the consequences today.

Think about your life this morning... where in your life have you felt the consequences of rebelling against God's authority in your life? Maybe there are things in your life right now that you are dealing with directly related to your rebellion against God... in your marriage... at work... in your friendships... in your finances.

I don't want us to come this text this morning and just shake our head at the bad guys...If we read the Bible and see the bad guys and all we ever do is think ''Unbelievable... shame on them...'' and we never think... OH NO THAT'S ME or THAT WAS ME ... I'VE BEEN LIKE THE BAD GUY... then we are ...

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