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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Mark 8:34, Mark 9:1
This content is part of a series.

How to Save Your Life (13 of 28)
Series: The Gospel of Mark: The True Story of the Son of God
Josh Malone
Mark 8:34-9:1

Happy New Year! I enjoy New Year... it's like a season in and of itself. It's a good time for us to think about where we are going and what we are doing with our life. People tend to get introspective around the new year. They decide they need to exercise more so they join a gym which for many is the equivalent of lighting $100 bills on fire to see if it makes them healthier. They go on diets to get healthier, which means for many they eat bland food for a month until they give in and go attack a Golden Corral like a Baptist at a LifeWay sale. Maybe you've been introspective, maybe you've thought about where you are at... where you are going, where you want to be.

I want us to be introspective this morning, I have a challenge for you in 2014 if you haven't already ... I challenge you to give you life away. If you have I challenge you to continue to walk in the truth that you have given it away. It would be a terrible strategy for someone to spend year after year planning, setting goals, making resolutions, and trying to better themselves...and in the end for none of it to matter. It would be a terrible thing for you to waste 2014. But it's an infinitely terrible thing for you to waste your life. That's what's at stake in this text this morning. As you think about your year... I want to challenge you deeper... think about YOUR LIFE. When they put you in the ground will your life have counted? Will it have mattered? Are you building your life on the eternal or the temporary? Here is my message today.. If you want your life to count. If you want to actually find true life. Lose your life. Give it away.

READ TEXT (8:31-9:1)

Does this sound like the way to persuade people to be a Christian? Deny yourself. Take up a cross. Lose your life. - This flies in the face of the type of Christian message some want to hold to. Where Jesus is som ...

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