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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Mark 7:31, Mark 8:26
This content is part of a series.

The Healing We All Need (11 of 28)
Series: The Gospel of Mark: The True Story of the Son of God
Josh Malone
Mark 7:31-8:26

Because of sin the world there are a myriad of problems one of which is spiritual death, deafness, and blindness. We are not naturally spiritually discerning- in fact we are much the opposite. We are spiritually deaf and blind. We are spiritually dead. So we don't ''naturally'' recognize the beauty, worth, and value of Jesus Christ. No, that has to come by God revealing that supernaturally. Left to ourselves we just wander like sheep without a Shepherd.
Sin's impact on the world
Physical realm- We see suffering, sickness, disease and death. Things like blindness and deafness came into the world because of the fall.
Spiritual realm- We are dead in our sins. Rebels. Lost. Spiritually we are deaf to the things of God, blind to the beauty of Christ.

In Mark we see King Jesus bring the healing the world needs... both physically and spiritually. He's the one who has come to put an end to the curse. The Kingdom has been inaugurated and will be consummated. In Christ's life and ministry we see how things could be and should be, and will be. We see him with authority to heal the sick and forgive sins. He opens the eyes of the blind both physically and spiritually. That's what today's message is about.

You may be perfectly healthy right now physically, but spiritually we are blind and deaf until Jesus opens our spirituals ears and eyes. Jesus brings the healing we all need. And once we have it... that doesn't mean we have arrived...we have sight, we have hearing... but the journey has just begun and growth is a process.

Mk. 7:21-37- The Healing of a Deaf Man

This story and the healing of the blind man in 8:22-26 are only recorded in Mark. They have some similarities. Jesus took both men aside from the crowd, he physically touched both men. He used saliva in both miracles, both men were brought to him and both were told to be qui ...

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