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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Mark 6:1-29
This content is part of a series.

Harsh Realities (8 of 28)
Series: The Gospel of Mark: The True Story of the Son of God
Josh Malone?
Mark 6:1-29

Everyone has a picture of what they think life should be. Whether it is career, wedding, home... everyone has dreams and goals. Even if you are a believer this became a believer with great excitement possibly. When you trusted Christ all seemed new. But overtime you've learned that not everyone is receptive to your new found faith. That's a harsh reality. You've also learned that being a Christian doesn't mean life gets easier, that's the harsh reality. The world can be a tough place. Reality can be harsh. We see this in a couple of ways in the Christian life. Suffering and persecution.

One of the harsh realities that stands out in the gospels is the the harsh rejection some people have toward Jesus and His people and the simple fact that Jesus people at times experience incredibly painful times. Many people simply do not and will not believe. In our passage this morning, we will see that evangelizing the world, making disciples, sharing the Word... is no easy task. -We saw this in the parable of the soils. Unbelief is a reality. As Christ followers we will at times experience rejection, and hardships, and difficulty. Everybody is not going to believe what you believe, or even like you. In fact, they may hate you. But the mission is still the same...

Setup Text: Last week we saw Jesus do multiple miracles.... With all that we come to Mark 6. We are going to see the man with authority over all things, the man that can offer hope in every circumstance go into His hometown. - What will he get? A parade? Key to the city? A harsh reality, rejection.What does this mean for us?

Setup Sermon: I realize their are really two types of people here this morning. There are those that have believed the gospel and been saved and those that have not been. There may be a many different levels of religious activities, backgrounds... but only ...

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