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WHO IS JESUS? (12 OF 28)

by Josh Malone

Scripture: Mark 8:27-33
This content is part of a series.

Who is Jesus? (12 of 28)
Series: The Gospel of Mark: The True Story of the Son of God
Josh Malone
Mark 8:27-33

Christmas- this is a pretty elaborate celebration for a birthday? Right? Now, I know it's been commercialized, etc. I get that people celebrate Christmas that don't think twice about Jesus. But for Christians this has been a time of year historically where we celebrate the birth of Christ. So we give presents, we have trees, we eat... it's a big party. And its easy to go through Christmas, give and receive, have fun and enjoy family and not even think about Jesus. It really is. I'm not here to chide you today about how you celebrate Christmas though... here is my concern... that many people go through life and don't give real pause to stop and consider who Jesus is and what that means. As launch our Christmas celebration can we pause and consider Jesus. Over the next few weeks we are going to be unpacking some very traditional texts about Christmas from Matthew. I want to use today as kind of a step to get there. I want us to start Advent today with simply look at who He is and Why He came and what that means. We are even going to look back at the OT.

Mark has been very blunt about the disciples lack of understanding. We have read where they have seen Jesus do incredible things and still just not fully get what's happening. They struggle in their journey. They are not perfect. As you read Mark and get to this point you may even wonder... do they know who they are dealing with? Do they know who Jesus is. And they do. But they don't understand that yet. But now they've been with Jesus awhile, they've seen him rejected by leaders, his family... what do they think of him now? Who do they think Jesus is?

Mk. 8:22-26- Blind man healed in stages...We said this was the hinge last week of Mark. It seems to be here that Jesus' miracle here is revealing something. The disciples are coming to understand who Jesus is. And we will see this play out this ...

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