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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Mark 7:1-30
This content is part of a series.

What's Wrong With Me? (10 of 28)
Series: The Gospel of Mark: The True Story of the Son of God
Josh Malone
Mark 7:1-30

Do you know this morning there is something that is wrong with all of us. We are broken. We are messed up. If you don't believe me, turn on the news. Pick up a paper (who does that anymore, download an app). And while we are good and comparing ourselves to others... for instance we may turn on the news and feel pretty good about ourselves compared to some of the things we here... but our lives are broken too. Broken is broken, whether its a clean break or not... we are all messed up. Our lives display this... when we fly off the handle, etc. As we look at the landscape of divorces, failures, etc... its obvious... we are broken. Even if you are here and you don't believe in God, and you are not sure what you think about Christianity... you can still see that you don't have it all together. There is too much pain, too much doubt, too many mistakes in life for us to think there is not something wrong.

The question then becomes what is wrong and how do we fix it. Do I need therapy? Do I need a life coach? Do I need 12 steps? Maybe I need spirituality... I need to pray more, meditate, do some yoga, maybe go to church, read the Bible, listen to some motivational stuff... eat healthier, exercise, get a pet, Oh I need a spouse... kids.. a career change... a vacation... we go from one thing to another trying to fix what is broken inside and we can't.

One of the ways we try to fix what is broken is focusing on changing or fixing ourselves from the outside in. So if you wan to be less greedy, less lustful, less selfish, less gossipy you find a way to institute change from the outside. I go to church more, volunteer more... thinking we can change ourselves from the outside in. We CLEAN UP our act... basically because we realize our behavior is unacceptable. - This is why we hide certain things about ourselves... why you think things you'd never s ...

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