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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Mark 6:3, Mark 6:30-56
This content is part of a series.

Recognizing Jesus (9 of 28)
Series: The Gospel of Mark: The True Story of the Son of God
Josh Malone
Mark 6:30-56

I remember a few years ago Kristi and I were in Stuart, FL and were having dinner in downtown at a little Italian restaurant. On into our meal our waitress pointed out... AFTER HE HAD LEFT... that right across the room had set Burt Reynolds. For a boy from Alabama, to be setting across from Burt and not realize it... that's a foul ball. There's probably a state tax for that in Alabama, maybe it didn't apply since I was in Florida. We don't want to miss out on an experience. We like to think we are perceptive, quick witted... that if someone famous or important walked in we'd know it and would be best friends with them.

Peopele in Jesus' day walked around with the Son of God and many didn't recognize him. His own disciples were slow to understand, even they were susceptible to a hardened heart at times. Many people have this problem today... we alluded to this last week, people come to church and sing to a worship a Jesus that is more of a figment of their imagination. A Jesus more concerned giving them every desire of their heart instead of changing their heart. Jesus is more their waiter instead of their Lord. He exists to them to give refills and fetch requests... but not to tell them what to do. ... unless it serves their purpose. Be careful this morning that you don't fail to recognize Jesus. But even as Christ-followers, we tend to forget, and ignore... we can get hard hearted and not be walking by faith. I love how Mark gives us very raw pictures of the disciples. We are going to see the disciples this morning in an unflattering light at times. This morning we are going to see the disciples fail to get the point. Don't miss the point this morning.

Context: The disciples have been sent out to do miracles and preach. They've been to boot camp. They return to Jesus and tell him all they had done and taught. So they've been pouring the ...

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