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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Mark 1:1-20
This content is part of a series.

Meet the Son of God (1 of 28)
Series: The Gospel of Mark: The True Story of the Son of God
Josh Malone
Mark 1:1-20

Nationally this is being called ''Back to Church Sunday.'' (over 21k churches) A lot of folks that grew up in church, no longer go. Some people here the word church and they get skeptical. Some people have been hurt by people in a church or been exposed to a bad church situation. So if you are here this morning as a guest I want you to hear this pastor say this morning. This is not a perfect church. We have no perfect people. But we are very glad you are here. This church is about Jesus. About worshipping, living in community together, and living out Jesus' mission for us here on this earth. Today I want to talk about Jesus. On Back to Church Sunday the best thing we can do is get people back to Jesus. Today we are launching a series we are going to be for awhile. We are going to be going through the Gospel of Mark.

4 Gospels- One man, One ultimate author, One robust picture, 4 angles.
Mark is a gospel written by John Mark. -
Related to Barnabas
Abandoned Paul and Barnabas on 1st mission, Paul and Barnabas split over before 2nd.
Accepted back by Paul by end of life- send to me... useful
Close to Peter, Peter as source- eyes
Mark is the shortest of the gospels. It was written likely from Rome and with Roman, gentiles in mind as the main audience. It was likely written in the 50's AD- early 60s AD. Likely not long before the persecution of the church by Nero began, some say maybe during.
Mark is a fast paced, action packed account of the life and ministry of Jesus.
It focuses more on what Jesus did than said. It contains about 20 miracles.
It uses the word ''immediately'' over 40 times. Jesus is a man on a mission... there is an urgency to the book. Jesus is here... He is working... He is serving... and you better deal with Jesus... you must deal with this Jesus.


1:1- ''The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, ...

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