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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Mark 2:13, Mark 3:6
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Jesus vs. Dead Religion (3 of 28)
Series: The Gospel of Mark: The True Story of the Son of God
Josh Malone
Mark 2:13-3:6

We ended last week with the story of the paralytic. And that story begins a new section here in Mark's gospel. Jesus had been demonstrating his authority and then with that story we begin to see people question Jesus. ''Who are you to be forgiving sins? That's God's thing!'' And Jesus is in fact saying... He is God so He can forgive sins. So Mark begins with that story to show us that the religious people of the day are going to have a problem with Jesus.

When I say ''religious people'' I do not mean godly people who love and obey God, who live for Jesus, go to church, etc. The Bible says pure and undefiled religion is to take care of orphans and widows. True religion is when your faith in Christ begins to shape your behavior and your actions toward others as James teaches. I'm talking false religion, bad religion, legalistic rule keepers. I'm talking people that are more interested in protecting their system they think makes them right with God than actually meeting God. These types of ''religious people'' are bad news and have no use for good news. ULTIMATELY THIS MORNING WE WILL SEE THAT THE BAD RELIGION OF THE PHARISEES WAS VERY DIFFERENT FROM THE MESSAGE OF JESUS. THE GOSPEL AND BAD, LIFELESS, RELIGION DO NOT MIX.--- So this morning... if you are paralyzed by bad religion--- come to Jesus.. If you are a believer check your life for areas where you have slipped into the lull of dead religion instead of the gospel.

Pharisees introduced in this passage- They were a group of laymen. They were devoted to the keeping of the law. They had scribes that taught the law and then they had their interpretation of the law. So they were all about applying the law to life and the problem was they equated their interpretation and application of the law with the law itself. So they had these ''traditions'' of how to keep the law they passed dow ...

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