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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Mark 4:1-20
This content is part of a series.

The Parable of the Soils (5 of 28)
Series: The Gospel of Mark: The True Story of the Son of God
Josh Malone
Mark 4:1-20

Charles Templeton Story- Billy Graham's friend, preached, etc. Walked away from God. Actually wrote a book about his leaving the faith. - Interviewed years later by Lee Strobel- ''I miss Him.''

Why is it that some people never get it? Why is it that some people appear to get it but then simply quit? Why do people quit on Jesus. Why do you know people right now that at one time walked with God but now they have ZERO desire for the things of God? Why is it that some people can spend DECADES in church and NEVER BEAR LASTING FRUIT? - This morning we look at a parable that teaches that as the gospel goes out and people respond to it... only one response is valid. There are times when people reject, and their are times when people profess but are false.

Let's be very clear this morning. You can think you are saved and be lost. You can appear saved to others and be lost. You can have the appearance of godliness and deny its power. You can be spiritual but Spirit-less, confessing but deceived. ?2 Cor. 13:5- Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?-unless indeed you fail to meet the test!


What Jesus does... tells a parable. Walks away. Gets in private with the disciples and explains why he speaks in parables and then explains this particular parable. So this morning I first want to look at why Jesus uses parables and then walk through this parable and these 4 soils together.

4:1-2- Jesus has a large crowd and he begins to use a boat as a stage... you can imagine the scene. Jesus in the water, crowd on the shore. And he begin to teach them in PARABLES.

What is a parable?- The word means to ''throw alongside or that which is placed beside.''- Basically its a story from everyday life that illustrates spiritual reality ...

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