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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Mark 4:21-34
This content is part of a series.

The Mysteries of the Kingdom (6 of 28)
Series: The Gospel of Mark: The True Story of the Son of God
Josh Malone
Mark 4:21-34

We all have questions from time to time... and maybe one of the more common is... what is God doing? Why is this happening THIS WAY? Why isn't THIS HAPPENING? - The Christian life is journey and this morning I'm hoping that these parables give you some insight into what God is doing and what God expects of you in the Kingdom of God. Sometimes when we have questions its best to step back and see the BIG PICTURE. Not a fan of Monarchies here- sinful people with too much power- bad, but so is all gov't forms thanks to sin.

Think about the disciples at this point: They've seen the crowds, the superficiality, Jesus' lack of interest in starting a Rock and Roll Tour, they've seen the religious leaders turn on Jesus. Even Jesus' family thinks he's crazy. Then Jesus gives them a parable that helps explain this... people respond to the message of the Kingdom in various ways... but only one way is appropriate and saving. So if you are a disciple that has left your fishing business on its most profitable day, what are you thinking? Are you discouraged? Here is what they may be thinking... Where is this KINGDOM?

Monarchy, democracy- sin- and our tainted view
Christianity is about submitting to a King and being a part of a Kingdom. There is only one gov. that will ever be perfect and that is Christ ruling as King.
The kingdoms of this world are broken-Gov't Shut down- All Politicians, all gov't leaders of all types and parties... make horrible Saviors- So I for one am happy to be dual citizen this morning.

As we have been in Mark, we saw Jesus began his ministry by declaring the Kingdom of God was at hand. The theme of the Kingdom of God had started back in the OT, this was something the Jews were anticipating, that God would send His Messiah to usher in the Kingdom. But they were looking for a right here right now physical reign. The ...

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