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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 25
This content is part of a series.

All in the Family - Part 2 (47 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Brad Whitt
Genesis 25

All right. Genesis 25, and we've got a lot to get through tonight, and I need you to listen. We're going to just go through very, very quickly what we'd begun to look at last time we were together. Here in Genesis 25, beginning in verse 19 all the way down through verse number 34. We began a study last Sunday, wasn't it, entitled ''All in the Family.'' I'm just going to catch you up, and here's the thing. You're going to love that you came here this Sunday night to Abilene, because you're not going to get this anywhere else. I mean, I know the other preachers in town. I know, really, the other preachers on TV, and you're just not going to get what you're going to get tonight in very many other places. And so if you will pay attention and catch up, put two and two together, you're going to really be blessed tonight, and I really do believe that.

We're looking at All in the Family. Genesis 25, beginning in verse number 19. If you will remember, the last time we backed up to verse number 10 to get a running start, and I asked you to write there in the margin of your Bible burial, because in verse number 10 the Bible says, ''The field which Abraham purchased for the sons of Heth, there Abraham was buried, and Sarah his wife.'' And so there at the burial you have Isaac and Ishmael show up. We looked at it a couple of weeks ago about the generation of Ishmael, and if you'll remember, it's almost as if Moses is trying to wrap up the story of Ishmael, put a bow on it, move him out of the way, because he wants to get back to dealing with the son of promise.

And so we looked at last time, the burial, in verse number 10. Then the boys in verse number 25. If you will remember, I told you that my homiletics professor would not like it that I would jump out of order, but I believe in order for us to get our minds together around it in the way that we should, we needed to jump ...

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