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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 24
This content is part of a series.

How to Find the Love of a Lifetime (43 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Brad Whitt
Genesis 24

Well, tonight we're looking at how to find the love of a lifetime. You're there in Genesis 24, and what you find here as you come to verse one is that Abraham has buried his sweetheart, Sarah. He's been married over 100 years to that woman. During those years, man, God had blessed him, and he had amassed a massive amount of wealth. He had huge herds, and as a result of that, they had meat and they had leather to sell. He had flocks. They had meat and they had wool to sell as a result of that. There's all kinds of money coming in to the family, taking care of the family and all those that are associated with the tribe of Abraham, if you will. And by the way, just for business as usual, by the time you get here to Genesis 24, and verse number one, it's been about three years since Abraham lost his wife, and he's spent that time teaching Isaac basically how to manage the family business.

After about three years, evidently, Abraham began to think, ''Do you know what? It's about time that boy find a wife and move out.'' Hey, by the way, look here parents. That day does come, right? It's time for him to find a wife and to move out. Maybe he's thinking about, man, I'm getting older. He's got to find a wife. Hey, by the way, he's almost 40 years old. It's time for him to get married. Can I get an amen?

Abraham knew this was not going to be an easy thing, because he knew that this woman who's going to marry his son, Isaac - she's going to have to be a very special lady. She's going to have to be a lady who understands the importance of the covenant that God has with Abraham's family, somebody who would help Isaac to really be a good steward of this great honor that he had. He wanted Isaac to marry a woman really much like his wife, Sarah, a woman of integrity and strength and beauty. He had enjoyed all those things, again, for over a hundred years.

Here's the ...

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