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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 23
This content is part of a series.

Abraham Buries His Beloved (42 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Brad Whitt
Genesis 23

If you have your bibles with you, now, this evening, if you will, be finding your place at the very first book in your bible, the book of Genesis. We've been in a series of studies now for the last, what, a year or more? Through this beginning book of your bible. We've entitled this series of study Genesis: The Book of Beginnings, and we're going through, looking at creation, fall flood, and covenant, and now we have moved out of the Adamic covenant.

We've been, for the last several months, dealing with the Abrahamic covenant, and dealing with the life of a mighty man of faith by the name of Abraham, and tonight we come, hello, we come to Genesis chapter 23, and we're going to be looking at, tonight, when the bible has to tell you about the time that Abraham buried his beloved.

You're there in Genesis 23, as you're finding your place, here, I came across this several months ago, and I want to just share this with you. I'm one of those guys; I love odd, unique, not-well-known facts, and so it came across my computer screen back several months ago, and the title was, ''Their marriage broke a world record, but their secret is simple. Everyone needs to know this.''

And it is a story about a man and a woman by the name of Herbert and Zelmira Fischer. They broke the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest marriage back in 2008. They earned the record for being married, listen to this, 84 years.

Can I get an amen? They were married for 84 years. In 2011, Herbert passed away at 105. A few years later, in 2013, Zelmira followed at 105 years as well, and when Herbert passed, watch this, the couple had been married for 87 years.

Before they died, they were interviewed. I think it was probably around Valentine's day, and before they died, they were interviewed and asked some questions about what does it take to have a beautiful marriage that lasts a lifetime ...

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