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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 22
This content is part of a series.

Abraham's Final Exam (41 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings
Brad Whitt
Genesis 22

Do you have your Bibles with you now? Tonight, if you will, be finding your place here at Genesis, chapter number 22. And as I mentioned this morning, tonight what I want you to do as we look in Genesis 22 is to look at Abraham's final exam. Genesis chapter 22. While you're finding your place there, I heard this story years ago about a boy who was coming to the end of the semester as a college student taking a class on ornithology. Can anyone tell me what ornithology is? It is the study of Birds. Birds, that's right. And so this student had come to the end of the semester and when he walked in for the final examination, the professor had taken some birdcages and put them along the front of the class.

He had put a bird in every single one of those cages and had put a sheet, a towel, or whatever you want to call it, over every single one of those cages and he left about this much space at the bottom, to where all you could see was the feet of that particular bird. And so when they walked into the room, the professor was there with birds in the cages, and sheets, and the feet. And so the professor said, ''Now here's your final examination. This is all there is to it. I want you to just look at every one of these cages. Tell me what each bird is; their scientific name and their common name. Tell me what bird is in every single one of those cages, just by looking at their feet.'' And I mean this young man was mad. He was hot. He sat there for a few minutes. He looked at those feet and finally he just, he just had had it.

So he walked up toward the front of the class toward the professor. He took his paper, and he threw it at the professor, and he began to go off, ''This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. I'm telling you, this is ridiculous. How are we supposed to do this?'' I mean, he just went off on the professor. Well, as he's going out the door, the professor ...

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